Better buildings
October 16, 2019

Wood on the rise in residential and hotels

Advancements in construction technology, modernized building codes, and a demand for sustainable design are making wood the right choice for a variety of residential and hotel projects. Wood products from BC’s sustainably managed forests are also helping to meet the growing demand for affordable housing; wood is well-suited for economical and timely construction—notably in hard to reach places, including downtown sites and remote locations.

One way to build economically with wood is modular prefabrication, which can speed up construction schedules and reduce overall costs. Manufacturing wood-frame modular units off-site means there’s less noise and less disruption for neighbours at the building site.

“A lot of time and energy is put into planning how we’re going to build before we even start. That means the timeline is shorter. The second the site foundation is done, we can start craning finished modules on to the site, and then it’s just a matter of interconnections, some of the exterior, and you’re away to the races. You can literally take half the time out of the process. Modular construction not only meets building codes, it’s built for the added demands of site transportation and craning.”

– Tim Epp, director of manufacturing at Metric Modular, based in Agassiz, BC

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Exterior daytime view of five story TWU Jacobson Hall, showing modular prefabricated hybrid / wood construction in addition to structural Glue-laminated timber (Glulam), parallel strand lumber (PSL), and cross-laminated timber (CLT)
Trinity Western University Jacobson Hall

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Mass timber constriction, post & beam, CLT (cross-laminated timber) & prefabrication are prominently featured in this nighttime exterior view of the Penticton Lakeside Resort West Wing mid rise
West Wing, Penticton Lakeside Resort and Conference Centre

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