Financing Low Carbon Performance

Financial institutions play a critical role in the transition to a net-zero carbon economy. Lending and investment decisions are one of their key levers of influence. In the building sector, a lender’s decision about what to finance shapes the types of projects that get built, and the environmental impact over the long term. Vancity, supported by LFV Solutions, has developed a Low-Carbon Construction Financing Pilot. Through this pilot, qualified developers will have access to preferential financing terms if their projects meet Vancity’s criteria for low-carbon and climate-resilient buildings. Join ZEBx, UDI, and LFV to learn more about the pilot. This event will also be an opportunity to provide your input on these financial tools and the features they should have to be most effective in advancing low-carbon buildings.

Key questions and topics to be discussed:
  • The role of financial institutions in the transition to net-zero economies
  • How a low-carbon lending portfolio de-risks operations for financial institutions
  • Criteria to qualify for Vancity’s Low Carbon Construction Financing Pilot
  • What features financial tools should have to be most effective for the development community



Financing low carbon performance

March 9 - March 9, 2022


9:30 am